My Philosophy

I believe that children learn best through play and that the role of the teacher is to provide a knowledge rich, safe, and supportive environment. An environment where children will be able to explore, to ask questions and receive answers to their questions. When children "play" they are able to incorporate cross-curricular learning (generally without realising it themselves!!)

One of the most important goals that I have for every child who enters my preschool is to help them develop a life-long love of learning. Preschool is only a small first step down a long, and rewarding road of education. I hope to encourage natural curiosity and a tendency to ask "why?" so that they can carry this with them forever. So having fun and learning at the same time is what I aim for!

I very rarely use worksheets in the classroom. I find that children are capable of learning to write without using worksheets. Instead we use magnet boards, white boards, and "unusual" mediums including sand and glitter, all of which children find much more interesting than a worksheet.
I seldom use copied items for "art" projects. I prefer to allow children to express their individuality through creative art experiences. I believe the process, rather than the product, is what is most interesting to children and is also most valuable to their learning.

We use everyday interactions to practice important life skills such as; manners, making good choices, working together, and communication. I use positive guidance to deal with any behavioral issues that may arise. This means that I involve the children in a conversation about what the problem is and how we might solve it. Then we work together to follow through with the solution presented and assess how the solution did or did not work. And, if needed, repeat the process with a new solution.

In instances where a child is posing a threat to himself, others, or property; I join the child in "taking a break" from the situation until they are calm enough to work through the problem with me.